Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a day in alor gajah and malacca town

last saturday, 9th august 2008, we; me, me fren dila, and me x-stud back in uitm s.iskandar, went to didi's wedding in alor gajah. btw, beh, u r n longer miss didi. uhhu. so for those who missed the chance to attend didi's wedding here are some pics of us. tgether, i enclosed some pics of us wandering around malacca town afta the wed.

ct, imah, che haz, n imah were htere too.

me, nala, the husband, the wife, ptri dila n dila

same as above

konon2 teknik photo. ceth

with the princess of the day.

dila, nala n her pose, n me.

ni flea market kat aussie neh.hehhe. dila yg kesilauan

pose kunun

our first checkpoint. bepoluh armpit eden naek bukit tu.

window sopping


Anonymous said...

Canteknye Pn Didie!!!
Miss villain pun cantek...nala pon..ct pon...semua pon cantek!!

LyD M.R said...

heheh.we are the volapciouses! hehe