suda lame tidak membuang mase di sini.log in je tros kene wat mende yg bernama "TAG" ni. thanks to u beeps!lets check it out!
"The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged."
8 maklumat tentang saye (byk wei 8 tu!) :
1. seperti yg diketahui ramai sy ni pendiam n pemalu.muahahaha.xcaye ask my fren la!
2. sy ni ske simpan je my feelings deep inside me...hermm..ade pros and cons..tpi sy selese demikian..
3. kalo sy marah sy diam je...tu mksudnye sy tgh marah ye kwn2..gpak was the first person who say this fact out loud! :P
4. sy ske outdoor activities..memancing..camping..futsal..bedminton (chong wei mmg a dem gud palyer!)..lawnbowl..kayaking..dll..
5. sy alergik kpd nasi goreng cendawan..i figured it out 2years ago kot..time tu sy mkn nasi tu kat wira sejati 18..first time mmg sy ingt sy tersilap mkn ke ape..tpi bile scond time pon saye puke afta mkn bende trus stop cite2 utk try lagi..eeeeeee
6. i'm left bkn salah saye kalo saye x pakar sngt wat straight line or kalo my hand writing xbape cantik..muahahahaha
7. i've drowned 3times in my life..sume pon mase sy kecik dulu..1st time mase umo 4 5 taon kot..ikot my dad gi sg kelantan..mancing..2nd n 3rd time mase skola rendah.sume pon kat sg kelantan...alhmdulillah umo sy semase berumo 22taon sy telah menyertai kelas renang! yayyy!!!!
8. finally...emmm...saye ade 12 org number 4, n 3 ekor kucim saiko kat uma saye.itu saje.sekian..
malas la nk tag kan nk post poem plak..okke!!!!
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