Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's the FUSS???

i've been thinking and experiencing this kind of uneasiness for quite too long...err what am i trying to say ekceli..read further then..lemme ask u and myself of course..how do you deal with sumthing? do you take as what it is or do you ask for more? or keep comparing this with that and etc. still cant see what i mean rite? the example is as simple as this..r u a brand concious? me myself sumtimes a brand concious..but sumetimes ppl tend to be so obsessed and reject some product bcos it is a local brand..have u ever xperiencd that one?WHAT'S THE FUSS actually???well we r exposed to that kind of mindset evry milisecs i guess.so we r the product of society huh?? duhhh!!! same goes with some other aspects such as eating place, job,car,etc.

we keep searching for standard and class - no harm in doing that bcos it's the way we improve our live and if we deserve it-but remember that sometimes we shud just go with flow, take chances and be less choosy..heheee..we're just ordinary ppl, we dont know which way to go..
so lets enjoy the view and smell the fresh breeze..hahha!!!

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